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GCoM-Gap Fund at the Energy Finance Academy: Enabling Energy Efficiency Solutions for Southeast Asian Cities

Jakarta, Indonesia | 11 July 2024 – The GCoM-Gap Fund partnership joined cities and partners at the Energy Finance Academy in exploring financing opportunities for energy efficiency solutions in the Southeast Asian region. Organized by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, the Energy Finance Academy discussed good practices and challenges in project preparation and implementation … read more

GCoM Asia: Climate Action and Achievements

GCoM Asia: Climate Action and Achievements

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) has been driving significant climate action in Asia, as well as picking up insights and best practices that can benefit cities across the world. With 241 signatory cities across eight countries, representing over 250 million people, GCoM Asia has built up a formidable store of … read more

Daegu and Melbourne Tackle Greening, Heat and Climate in Cities Meet Cities

Daegu and Melbourne Tackle Greening, Heat and Climate in Cities Meet Cities

The exchange visits between Melbourne, Australia, and Daegu, South Korea, under the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) Cities Meet Cities initiative have highlighted several key themes in climate action and sustainable urban development. Both cities have made significant strides toward their climate goals, sharing focuses on renewable energy, adaptation to climate change, and water management. … read more

Urban Climate Finance Highlighted at UCLG-MEWA Board Meeting

Karatay, Konya, Türkiye– June 26-27, 2024 - The UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau Meeting featured a pivotal session on urban climate finance, organized by the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) and led by Carolina Mesa, Global City Advisor, and Shaden Al Galaythe, Regional City Advisor. The session, held on the second day of … read more

Unlocking Urban Energy Access and Poverty: A New Toolkit for Local Governments

Around 685 million people lacked access to electricity in 2022, according to The Energy Progress Report - and a further 2 billion people were still unable to cook cleanly and safely. Cities and local governments recognize the urgency and benefits of addressing energy access and poverty (EAP) but often face significant barriers. Responding to this … read more

Study suggests countries can better tackle climate change by working with cities; Former Vancouver Mayor to spearhead global collaboration efforts

New report highlights the untapped potential of cities in helping achieve Paris Agreement goals; greater emphasis on urban priorities in national plans urgently needed as countries update climate commitments before COP30. Low and middle income countries make up the bulk of NDCs with comprehensive urban priorities while high income and/or highly urbanized countries tend to … read more

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