
Meet Climate Action’s New Superalliance – How these mayors and ministers from around the world are fast-tracking energy tech to tackle the climate emergency.

The IPCC's 2018 Special Report warns of dramatic consequences by 2040 if global warming reaches 1.5°C. In response, citizens have made their voices louder than ever, and national governments in turn are beginning to mobilize. The constant threat of climate change, plus shifting energy needs and accelerating technological innovations, demands an unprecedented collective response at … read more

Mayor Rodas on the role of cities and multilevel integration in limiting global warming by 1.5 °C

The battle against climate change can only be won with cities. But, cities cannot do it alone. They are often limited by a lack of access to the resources required to deliver climate action. Multilevel integration can play a key role in raising national ambitions and promoting innovation and action at the local level. This includes vertically integrating investment plans of local authorities into national climate investment plans to address the urban finance gap.

Cities Take the Stage at the Global Climate Action Summit

Climate action has taken on a new urgency, and people across the world and across sectors are ready to “Take Ambition to the Next Level.” This was especially clear at the Global Climate Action Summit held in San Francisco, September 2018. Throughout this impactful event, we aimed to shine a spotlight on the contributions of city leaders and announced new initiatives and tools to support cities’ efforts to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, fulfilling their commitments and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Mayor Mohamed Sefiani on Intermediary Cities: Crucial for Climate Action

Intermediary cities play a unique and crucial role in the fight against climate change. These cities account for 30 percent of the world’s urban population, a figure estimated to rise to 50 percent in 20 years. They also play a primary role in connecting important rural and urban areas to basic facilities and services – and are where we’ll see the most impact from local leaders’ efforts to reduce global warming.

Join the One Planet Charter and let’s step up climate action in 2018!

The One Planet Charter – announced in December 2017 at the One Planet Summit in Paris, celebrating the two-year anniversary of ratifying the Paris Agreement – signifies a major commitment campaign to help local governments swiftly implement actions to ensure Paris Agreement goals are met. Commitments will be brought to the Global Climate Action Summit … read more

Mayor Jaiman Upadhyay, Rajkot, India, on Integrated Planning and Scientific Data

The next few years will be critical to determine how effectively we will rise to the challenge of protecting our cities, and therefore our planet. But this work can’t be undertaken blindly –we must ensure that our climate mitigation and adaptation strategies are based on sound scientific data and are tackled in an integrated manner with public and private partners.

Interview with Mayor Rodas, Quito, Ecuador, on Urban Finance

Cities such as Quito have already proven to be central to the fight against climate change, as local governments across the world are increasingly mandating the construction of zero-emission and resilient infrastructures, from buildings to transport and public spaces, that facilitate environmental and health sustainability co-benefits. However, they are often limited by a lack of access to the required resources.

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