
COVID-19: FAQ on reporting for GCoM cities and local governments 

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) fully recognizes the socioeconomic, political, and geographical impacts that COVID-19 is having on communities around the world. As cities and local governments develop sustainable recovery plans, GCoM seeks to clarify its reporting principles for cities committed to the alliance in 2020. FAQ on reporting 1. … read more
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Global Covenant of Mayors 2019 Global Aggregation Report

GCom cities: impact on the climate emergency the most significant opportunity to address the escalating global climate crisis More than 10,000 cities committed to the Global Covenant of Mayors have a major collective potential – and if fully realized – these city and local government actions could account for 2.3 billion tons CO2e of annual … read more
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Climate Emergency, Urban Opportunity Report

Climate Emergency, Urban Opportunity is a new report from the Coalition for Urban Transitions,  an urban-focused initiative with 36 diverse stakeholders across five continents, that aims to support national governments’ efforts to unlock the economic and social benefits of inclusive, zero-carbon cities. Climate Emergency, Urban Opportunity quantifies the social, environmental, and economic benefits available to … read more
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10,000 Cities, One Voice. Hear from leaders advancing a Green Recovery.


City Story
Sagnarigu Municipality
Climate Action Starts with Community-Driven Awareness
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City Story
Surabaya’s Community-Led Approach to Waste Management
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Meet Climate Action’s New Superalliance – How these mayors and ministers from around the world are fast-tracking energy tech to tackle the climate emergency.

The IPCC's 2018 Special Report warns of dramatic consequences by 2040 if global warming reaches 1.5°C. In response, citizens have made their voices louder than ever, and national governments in turn are beginning to mobilize. The constant threat of climate change, plus shifting energy needs and accelerating technological innovations, demands an unprecedented collective response at … read more

Cities at the Forefront of Tackling Climate Change

At the 24th United Nations Convention on Climate Change in Katowice, Poland, in December, a consultation of scientists, city practitioners and NGOs responded to the IPCC 1.5 Special Report with a stark question: What does it mean for cities to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius in just over a decade? The 9,176 cities … read more
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Fact of the Week

385.000 electric busses were on the roads globally in 2017, with 99% of all electric busses are located in China.


GCoM Launches Package of New Partnerships and Resources at COP29 to Accelerate Multilevel Climate Action

The launch builds on GCoM’s ongoing work to support mayors and equip governments with the resources and information they need to achieve ambitious climate goals across all levels of government.  Baku, Azerbaijan (November 20, 2024) – Today at COP29, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) alliance launched a package of new … read more


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