Vertically Integrated Climate Policies Program (VICLIM)
Vertically Integrated Climate Policies (VICLIM) is a global programme that works in five partner countries: Mexico, Costa Rica, South Africa, Indonesia and Georgia.The programme’s aim is to strengthen the capacities of climate policy decision-makers and institutions to maximise mitigation potential at the subnational level as a contribution to ambitious and inclusive national climate policy.The programme aims to improve the framework conditions for implementing subnational mitigation activities, promote existing municipal approaches and initiate international learning processes.The programme is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusam¬menarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservati¬on and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
Outputs: Policy Integration, Social and Network Infrastructure
Outcomes: Raise Ambition, Knowledge Mobilization & Collaboration, Access/Influence
Target actors: National Goverment, State/Provincial Goverment, Local Goverment
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