The Flemish Climate Pact – collaborating among municipalities to ensure that mitigation and adaptation aspects are embraced by the local population and supported by the National Government.
Flanders’ regional government established the Flemish Climate Pact in 2019 (in force in 2020) in collaboration with municipalities to ensure effective links to local needs (key pillars), including nature-based solutions, mitigation and energy, mobility, and water management. For the mitigation pillar, municipalities are invited to sign the Covenant of Mayors - Europe and commit to associated 2030 targets, and over 250 municipalities have pledged as a result. Dialogues with the National Belgian Government will occur every two years to assess progress and implementation (the next will take place in 2022). These dialogues encourage both interactions between public authorities and other actors (including ordinary citizens) to provide input and identify concrete contributions to achieve local/regional goals, highlighting co-creation and citizens' involvement. Flanders’ Climate Pact also foresees a monitoring system to feed into bi-annual progress reports. These serve as a basis to compare performance against identified objectives, also during meetings dedicated to such discussions among involved actors.
Outputs: Policy Integration, Social and Network Infrastructure
Outcomes: Raise Ambition, Knowledge Mobilization & Collaboration
Target actors: Local Goverment, Local communities, City Networks
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