Smart Cities Network
The Austrian Government is funding a Smart Cities Network which focusses on accelerating municipal innovation towards climate-friendly cities. The Smart Cities Network's primary goal is to support and accelerate municipal innovation processes (including interdisciplinary working methods and multi-level governance approaches). Through a coordination office (located at the Salzburg Institute for Regional Planning and Housing) that organizes various city-tailored networking formats, municipalities can jointly develop solutions to local challenges with stakeholders such as housing companies, businesses, city-related and research institutions. The formats further allow for conceptual discussions on approaches to strengthen organizational structures in cities and experience exchanges to generate innovative project ideas and debate strategic developments.
Outputs: Policy Integration, Education and Outreach, Social and Network Infrastructure, Data and Information
Outcomes: Vertical NDC Integration, Regulatory Powers
Target actors: National Goverment, Local Goverment, Bussines/Investors, Instituations, Local communities
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