Place based model for net zero neighbourhoods
London Borough of Hounslow
The objectives are: 1.Demonstrate accelerated transition to Net Zero at a neighbourhood level with scalability for wider borough rollout. 2.Promote a holistic place-based approach by combining retrofit projects with other interventions aligned to decarbonisation without creating personal debt or eroding household savings. 3.Address cost of living pressures by improving energy efficiency, reduced consumption, and provide new options for energy self-generation. 4.Develop a blended finance model which supports community-driven interventions including place-based green and blue infrastructure. Leveraging private capital alongside traditional grant funding. 5.Support retrofit across different building typologies– in areas of deprivation which include social housing and private rented sector. The demonstrator will comprise two adjacent estates totalling 1000+ homes. It will deliver deep whole house retrofit and at least two community co-designed interventions supporting environment and place
Regions: European Union & Western Europe
Countries: United Kingdom
Cities: London
Cross-cutting issues: System Approach, Governence & Insitutions, Justice & Equity
Topical areas: Built & Green/Blue Infrastructure, Sustainable Production And Consumption, Finance
Partners: Local government, Regional government, National government, Business / private sector, Academic institution, Philanthropic institution, Financial institution, Civil society
Related steps
Assess Emissions and Risks
Set Goals and Targets
Develop Action Plan
Monitor and Report

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