Ormoc City has established a collaborative climate planning process that engages key actors.
The Philippines Government Climate Change Act requires each Local Government Unit (LGU) to plan and prepare for climate change by developing a Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP). The National Framework Strategy on Climate Change further directs LGUs to align their local climate plans with national policies such as the National Climate Change Action Plan as well as to integrate their LCCAPs into local development plans. Ormoc City has established a collaborative climate planning process that engages local government departments and stakeholders in sharing knowledge and making decisions. Key departments of the local government were mobilised through an executive order that created an institutional innovation: the interdepartmental climate change Technical Working Group (TWG). The broad involvement in planning and decision-making resulted in public officials’ heightened knowledge and skills for climate advocacy, collaborative problem solving, and the use of climate science and information in policymaking. Ormoc City used its LCCAP formulation process as a tool to access funds, which helped secure finance for the implementation of the adopted climate actions.
Outputs: Policy Integration, Funding and Financing, Standardized Methods and Common Platforms
Outcomes: Raise Ambition, Localize Climate Finance, Knowledge Mobilization & Collaboration
Target actors: National Goverment, State/Provincial Goverment, Local communities
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