Inclusive, multi-sectoral stakeholder process in Chile advances regional climate change management
With the adoption of the National Action Plan on Climate Change 2017-2022, the Chilean National Government established Regional Committees on Climate Change (CORECCs) to advance climate change management in the regions by strengthening institutional structures and providing access to tools and information for decision making, including regional greenhouse gas inventories. The CORECCs are led by a regional authority (governor) and work across public entities (including regional councils and municipalities), private sectors, citizens, NGOs and academia with the aim to promote and facilitate the elaboration and implementation of climate related policies, plans and actions based on local and regional needs and abilities, and to align these with national policies, including the NDC. The Chilean government also plans to develop Regional Climate Action Plans in four administrative regions, as a pilot project.
Outputs: Policy Integration, Social and Network Infrastructure, Standardized Methods and Common Platforms, Data and Information
Outcomes: Vertical NDC Integration, Knowledge Mobilization & Collaboration, Access/Influence
Target actors: National Goverment, State/Provincial Goverment, Local Goverment, Bussines/Investors, Instituations, Local communities
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