Framework Law on Climate Change (Ley Marco sobre Cambio Climático del Perú)
The Peruvian Government constructed a new Framework Law on Climate Change (Ley Marco sobre Cambio Climático del Perú - (LMCC)) through an intensive public consultation process that included 48 workshops with 2,200 participants and incorporated perspectives from private sector, civil society, local and indigenous people (1,433 indigenous leaders) and promoted gender mainstreaming into the process (61% women and 39% men). Within the framework of these agreements, in the Twelfth Final Complementary Provision of the LMCC Regulation, the Indigenous Peoples Platform to face Climate Change is created.
Outputs: Policy Integration
Outcomes: Vertical NDC Integration, Knowledge Mobilization & Collaboration
Target actors: Local Goverment, Indigenous populations/groups, Bussines/Investors, Instituations, Local communities
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