Engagement with Covenant Signatories
The Finnish government is moving from a fragmented approach toward climate action to a more integrated one. Whilst earlier all the national ministries (but also their respective sectors in general) considered how to include climate aspects in their own plans and what climate change meant to them, now the government is upgrading its organisational structure with an aim to build up more coherent synergies. This approach recognises that talking to more diverse actors brings meaningful benefits in terms of expediting timelines and enhancing results of such cooperative work, but also that it should be coordinated in a more effective way to achieve positive impacts. This approach also extends to making a concerted effort to more strongly emphasise adaptation, which they are actively doing by explicitly engaging their Covenant Signatories to ensure coherence with local needs and ambitions.
Outputs: Policy Integration
Outcomes: Knowledge Mobilization & Collaboration
Target actors: Local Goverment, City Networks
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