Columbia’s regional governance “nodes” shape integrated climate change policy
Following the success of a self-organised Regional Climate Change Node established in the Columbian Eje Cafetero region in 2016, the national government rolled out Nodes for all nine regions with the aim to facilitate multi-stakeholder climate change planning, strengthen climate change management by empowering territorial entities, and implement coherent regional and national climate change policies, strategies, plans and actions in line with the NDC. The Nodes provide a point of coordination between national, regional and local institutions, but each Node establishes their own operating regulations and stakeholder groups which can include civil society stakeholders, indigenous communities and academic institutions relevant to the region.
Outputs: Policy Integration, Social and Network Infrastructure
Outcomes: Raise Ambition, Vertical NDC Integration, Knowledge Mobilization & Collaboration, Access/Influence
Target actors: State/Provincial Goverment, Local Goverment, Indigenous populations/groups, Bussines/Investors, Instituations
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