Now available: Global Research and Action Agenda on Cities and Climate Change Science
The Global Research and Action Agenda on Cities and Climate Change Science is now published, in time for the 2019 Climate Action Summit. It is the primary outcome of the Cities and Climate Science Conference that was held in March 2018 in Edmonton, Canada, and was reported to the 48th IPCC Plenary session in October 2018 in Incheon, Korea.
The Agenda showcases not only the important role cities play in terms of climate impact and opportunities to address it, but the breadth of knowledge needed to support decision-makers and urban practitioners to tackle these challenges. It contains the key findings as relates to: six topical research areas; key cross-cutting issues and knowledge gaps; and approaches to facilitate the implementation. The Agenda aims to generate greater knowledge in support of practice and decision-making in urban areas, through collaborative research efforts and provision of the scientific foundation through the IPCC’s sixth and seventh assessment cycles.
In preparing the Agenda, particular emphasis has been put on the joint effort of researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in a long-term and constructive manner, to respond to specific city-level challenges arising from climate change.
For more information and to access the Agenda in different languages, please download the following versions:
Full version (English)
Abridged versions (English, 中文, Español, Français, Русский)
Reposted from the World Climate Research Programme