Leonardo DiCaprio Calls on Cities to Commit to the Compact of Mayors

“We are able to solve our greatest challenges when we find the will to work together.”

Standing before hundreds of cities gathered at the Climate Summit for Local Leaders, Leonardo DiCaprio’s message rang loud and clear — that it is up to the collective action of mayors to change the course of history and act on climate change.

The biggest question is how — and that is why the number of cities committed to the Compact of Mayors must grow — to build a network of cities across the world working together towards the common goal of a more sustainable future.

Cities are the best catalysts to move quickly towards a sustainable future powered by 100% renewable energy, and Leonardo DiCaprio challenged all local leaders to commit to the Compact of Mayors.

Watch as Leo DiCaprio calls on even more cities to commit to the Compact and share his call to action.




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