City Climate Finance Gap Fund

Join GCoM-Gap Fund Climate Finance and Project Preparation Survey

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) and the City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund) are excited to collaborate on an initiative designed to accelerate urban climate action. We invite cities from around the globe to participate in our comprehensive survey to share insights and help us better understand access to climate finance and project preparation.

Your city’s participation is vital to assessing the climate challenges and priorities related to developing, financing, and implementing climate-smart projects. This is essential to accelerating climate finance access at the local level.

Why Participate?

  • Share your city’s unique challenges and successes in accessing climate finance and preparing climate projects
  • Contribute to a global effort to improve cities’ access to resources and technical assistance for climate action
  • Express your interest in receiving further support from the GCoM-Gap Fund Partnership

The survey is designed to gather essential information about your city’s climate action journey and assess the status of your climate action plans, identify key challenges in various areas, inquire about your primary sources of climate finance, and allow you to share details about climate projects that could benefit from our support.

The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of enhancing our support for cities in their climate action endeavours.

Your insights will help us better understand the current landscape of access to climate finance and project preparation, enabling us to tailor our support to meet your specific needs.

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